
Vigaman – Our Evaluation

More and more men suffer from potency problems and do not feel as sexually satisfied as they would like to be. Erection problems can be very stressful, not only physically but also psychologically. In this context, the question arises whether Vigaman really delivers what it promises. To get to the bottom of this question, we have put Vigaman to the test.

Vigaman – The product

Vigaman are capsules that are set to revolutionise the sexual enhancers and men’s health market. They contain natural active ingredients and are designed to improve blood flow to the male member. This is supposed to make erections stronger and longer, but that’s not all. It is also formulated to have a positive effect on sperm production, which could make the desire to have children a reality.


Who is Vigaman suitable for?

One promising option is Vigaman, suitable for men of all ages and intended to alleviate potency problems. The capsules offer solutions for various aspects of the problem. They can not only increase erection strength, but also sexual stamina and thus prolong intimacy. At the same time, sperm activity is increased, which can make the hope of fulfilling the possible desire to have children come true after all.

Vigaman ingredients

In the following section, we would like to introduce you to the specific ingredients of Vigaman. The manufacturer relies exclusively on natural substances that have a versatile effect on the male body and at the same time guarantee a high level of tolerability. The individual active ingredients of Vigaman are:


Biotină, Cacao, Acid folic, Ginkgo, Ginseng, L-Arginină, Maca, Seleniu, Înveliș de capsulă vegetală vegană, Vitamina B1, Vitamina B12, Vitamina B2, Vitamina B3, Vitamina B5, Vitamina B6, Vitamina C, Vitamina E, Zinc

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Intake and dosage of Vigaman

The manufacturer attaches particular importance to the correct intake of Vigaman to ensure that the capsules have an optimal effect. It is strongly recommended to take the capsules at the same time every day. The quantity of two capsules should always be taken at the same time.


Vigaman Tips

According to the manufacturer, it is very important to drink plenty of fluids after taking the capsules. There is not much to consider in terms of dosage, as the sexual enhancer comes in capsules form, which ensures error-free dosage.

Vigaman Pro’s and Con’s

Pro's Con's
✅ Highly dosed formula ❌ Can be sold out quickly
✅ Ingrediente naturale ❌ Preț ridicat
✅ Suitable for vegetarians ❌ Does not appear in pharmacies
✅ Fără efecte secundare
✅ Regular discount campaigns

Our 30-day Vigaman self-diagnosis

When we heard about the many positive reviews on the internet, we were naturally impressed. However, in order to get an exact idea of the effect, we decided to conduct our own Vigaman test. To do so, we looked for a person to try Vigaman for four weeks. We chose 36-year-old Ernest, who has been suffering from severe erection problems for several years and has not yet found a suitable solution.

Săptămâna 1

In the first week, we bought Vigaman and had our first meeting with Ernest. At first, he was sceptical and found it hard to imagine that the capsules could make a significant difference.

After a detailed discussion about the exact procedure, we agreed that he should take two capsules a day. Ernest assured us that he would follow the instructions to the letter and that he would keep a close eye out for any changes in his erection or his stamina in bed.

Săptămâna 2

Full of excitement, we arranged to meet for the scheduled check-up appointment. Leon was beaming and reported that he had already noticed a noticeable change. About a week after taking it, the desired effects began to materialise. Not only did his erection become especially hard, but he was also able to significantly increase his stamina during intercourse. He took the fruit gum every day.

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Săptămâna 3

In the third week, we continued to follow the progress of Ernest, who was taking Vigaman, and met with him again for a chat. This time we noticed that he seemed even happier and he enthusiastically told us how much his sexual experiences had improved since taking Vigaman. He now had more self-confidence and a new sense of security during intercourse.

He was finally able to let go of his worries and fears of sexual inadequacy. In his accounts, he revealed that he did not notice any undesirable side effects from the application.

Săptămâna 4

To conclude our test report on Vigaman, we met again with Ernest. With great joy and a touch of surprise, he told us that his wife’s long-awaited wish to become pregnant had finally come true.

He also insisted that he wanted to continue taking Vigaman, as he had managed to control his erection problems thanks to its natural mode of action, and that sexual intercourse was finally becoming a pleasurable and satisfying experience for him again.

Mărturie medicală

“As a urologist with years of experience in the field of male sexual health, I want to share my perspective on Vigaman. I have had the opportunity to recommend this product to several of my patients and have seen positive results in many of them.

Vigaman is a supplement in capsule form designed to enhance male sexual potency. Its formula based on carefully selected natural ingredients has proven to be effective in improving erectile function, increasing sexual desire and promoting a more satisfying intimate experience.

It is important to note that Vigaman meets the quality and safety standards set by European Union regulations. As a doctor, I am pleased to say that this product is certified for marketing, which gives my patients peace of mind and ensures that they are using a safe supplement.

I recommend that my patients purchase Vigaman only through the manufacturer’s official website to guarantee the authenticity and quality of the product. As a doctor, I am satisfied with the results I have seen in my patients and believe that Vigaman can be a safe and effective option for improving male sexual potency.”

Dr. Steve Curlett

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Vigaman has exceeded our expectations in many respects. Thanks to the help of natural active ingredients, male potency is revitalised so that sexual intercourse is no longer perceived as a burden, but provides pleasure and enjoyment.

Our comprehensive self-test not only confirmed the numerous positive testimonials, but also convinced us of the product’s effectiveness. The fast-acting and effective Vigaman capsules deserve our appreciation, so we can recommend Vigaman with a clear conscience. We can also recommend a similar product with the same characteristics: Erogen X.

When can I expect Vigaman to start working?

The effect of Vigaman can occur from the first dose, as it immediately stimulates the blood circulation. However, our experience has shown that the effect can intensify over time. In most cases, the effect occurs within a few days. However, to ensure an optimal effect over a longer period of time, it is important to take the capsules regularly.

Is it necessary to take Vigaman permanently?

To benefit from the long-term positive effects of Vigaman, it is necessary to take it regularly. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the effect may wear off or diminish over time.

Is Vigaman also suitable for older people?

Testimonials on the Internet show that Vigaman can also be a promising way for mature men to bring excitement back into the bedroom. This means that sexual intercourse can remain pleasurable even at an advanced age.

What is the recommended daily dose of Vigaman?

The manufacturer recommends taking only two Vigaman capsules a day. It is advisable to follow this recommendation to avoid unwanted side effects.

Does Vigaman deliver what it promises?

Our initial scepticism was quickly refuted. The preparation works naturally and has an effective effect on a variety of problems, be it a longer-lasting and harder erection or a hitherto unfulfilled desire to have children.

Are possible risks and side effects to be expected with Vigaman?

According to the manufacturer, there are no known side effects of Vigaman and our own research has also confirmed this assumption. The likelihood of side effects is also low because the ingredients are exclusively of plant origin and are therefore generally very well tolerated by the body. Nevertheless, we recommend consulting a doctor in case of doubt.


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Maasalong > Reviews and Ratings

  • 5 / 5
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  • 4.7 / 5

Based on 11 ratings

Reviewed by 11 users

    so good

    My wife told me a lot about Vigaman, but she didn’t pay much attention. Now I see it’s a shame he didn’t convince me before … it’s so good.

    • 3. May 2024 21:47

    increase in my sexual desire

    Since I started taking Vigaman, I have noticed an increase in my sexual desire and in the quality of my erections. Erections are firmer and lasting, which has led to more pleasant intimate encounters both for me and my partner. In addition, my sexual stamina has improved, which has allowed me to enjoy longer and more satisfying encounters.

    • 19. April 2024 16:41

    significant improvement in sexual potency

    After trying several products, I finally found something that really works. Since I started taking VIGAMAN, I have noticed a significant improvement in my sexual potency. My erections are firmer and longer lasting, and my stamina has improved markedly. In addition, my sexual desire has increased, which has improved my intimate life and my relationship with my partner.

    • 1. April 2024 22:13

    feel more energetic

    After experiencing some decrease in my sexual performance, I decided to try VIGAMAN, and I must say that the results have been surprisingly positive. Since I started taking them, I have noticed a significant improvement in my potency and libido, which has had a very positive impact on my sex life. Also, I feel more energetic and confident overall. I have not experienced any side effects, which was one of my main concerns before starting treatment.

    • 29. March 2024 20:41

    everything will be better

    I’m still young, but we don’t want to wait to have a child. I had a test and the results showed that my testosterone level is very low, which affects my fertility. The doctor recommended VIGAMAN, a supplement that could help me. My wife did some research and fell in love with this product, which was natural, affordable and with ingredients she liked. After 2 months, I had another blood test and the doctor could not believe it. I am sure everything will be better from now on

    • 9. February 2024 16:17

    impressed with the results

    As a middle-aged man, I have experienced some sexual potency problems in recent years. After researching different options, I decided to try Vigaman and I must say that I am impressed with the results. Vigaman has completely changed my sex life.

    • 24. January 2024 22:32

    really happy

    VIGAMAN is very, very good for my libido. Just what I needed and just in time because I was starting to lose shape. It occurs without you noticing, so I advise all men to pay attention to this… Otherwise, breakdowns happen and you might react too late. And with just two capsules a day, your manhood will magically return! Don’t miss the opportunity. It’s the first time I’ve done a cure like this and I’m really happy to know the secret because I think I need it more and more.

    • 3. January 2024 19:59

    o soluție reală

    As a mature man, I began to experience difficulties in my sexual performance, which was worrying for me and my partner. After trying VIGAMAN, I can say that it has been a real solution for me. I took the capsules regularly and noticed a significant difference in the quality of my erections and in my ability to have more satisfying sex. VIGAMAN has enhanced my self-esteem and strengthened our intimate connection. I recommend this product to all men who wish to improve their potency and erection safely and effectively.

    • 29. November 2023 17:35

    improvements without complications

    What I like most about VIGAMAN is that it is a natural supplement. I don’t have to worry about unpleasant side effects or harmful ingredients. I have experienced improvements without complications or setbacks.

    • 2. November 2023 18:30

    everything is much more rewarding

    Since I started taking Vigaman, I have noticed a significant improvement in my sexual performance. My erections are more firm and durable, which has made my intimate encounters much more satisfying for both me and my partner. In addition, I have noticed an increase in my sexual desire, which has renewed the passion in my relationship. Another aspect that has impressed me about Vigaman is its effect on my sexual energy and stamina. Now I can keep up the pace for longer, which has led to longer and more pleasant encounters. This has improved the quality of my sex life and strengthened the bond with my partner.

    • 11. October 2023 13:00

    worked immediately

    VIGAMAN worked immediately. Contains all proven ingredients to help impotence and relish intimate relationships

    • 20. August 2023 16:23

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